The same case is experienced by other hobbyists. Meilfin Roza's first kantong beruk which he got from Gunung Singgalang in West Sumatera only lived for 2 months. Fortunately, Meilfin is not wary to treat kantong semar. After several times trying, he finally arrived at a conclusion, 'If we live on the lowland, we should be better not try to keep highland nepenthes. The plant might live, but it will refuse to bear pitchers, and so the other way around,' said the man who collects Rp12-million N. bicalcarata of 2 m in height.
In general, kantong semar-term for nepenthes in Java-is categorized into 3; highland, midland, and lowland. The former grows at the height of 700 m above sea level. For examples are N. adrianii, N. adnata, and N. lowii. The midland variety which grows on the elevation between 300-700 m above sea level are N. papuana and N. pervillei. While N. thorelii and N. ampularia are the lowland variety which grow at 0-300 m above sea level.
The habitat of ketakung which grows in the mountain is obviously different from the one which lives at the sea side. The temperature and humidity differences are like heaven and earth. The lowland and midland Nepenthes require temperature around 27-35°C in the afternoon and 21-27°C at night. On the other hand, the highland variety needs 21-29ºC in the afternoon and 12-18ºC at night. The plants which prefer heat and low humidity will not survive to be cultivated in the mountain. 'Even if it is alive, normally the pitchers will not come out or they will shrink,' said Ir Uhan Suhanta, a hobbyist of nepenthes in South Bandung. Just the other way, keeping highland ketakung in the lowland will be very difficult, unless by special treatments.
For example is N. gymnamphora from Gunung Slamet, Purwokerto, up on 3.432 m above sea level. It is included in the fussiest kantong semar variety. 'Its adaptability (on lowland, red) is not good enough,' said Adrian Yusuf Wartono, the chairman of Divisi Nepenthes Indonesia (the Indonesia Nepenthes Division) in Malang, East Java. Even if it is alive, the pitchers will not reach their maximum size. Therefore, for beginner hobbyist it is not suggested to treat N. gymnamphora unless they live over 500 m above the sea level. Other requirement is the air humidity should be more than 80%. Less than that, the pitchers will not be formed, the leaves will roll and dried up.
If you insist in keeping a mountain ketakung on lowland, you are suggested to change the environment. Malesiana Tropical, in Kuching, Serawak, treats N. alata which grows on 400-2.400 m above sea level in elevation in a coolhouse room. The temperature in that 1 HP air-conditioned room is 26°C in the afternoon.
Obviously it is easier to keep lowland nepenthes. N. campanulata, N. danseri, N. masoalensis, and N. rowanae are the example. Other option is by choosing nepenthes which has a high adaptability, such as N. hirsute and N. veitchi.
In Malesiana Tropical, N. sumaterana which comes from an elevation of 0-1.000 m above sea level is put in a common plastichouse. The plastichouse only needs to be furnished with shading net of 55% shade and plastic roof to prevent rain from falling into.
Out of 103 species of nepenthes listed, 61 varieties grow on highland. While the rest live on lowland and midland up to highland. The majority of kantong semar in Sumatera, Sabah, and Sarawak grow on mountain ranges. While in Kalimantan there are a lot more adaptive nepentheses that grow on midland to highland.
The above categorization for periuk monyet is based on the spreading in the world. However, it is not valid for nepenthes which have been cultivated. For example is N. anamensis. It used to be categorized as highland species by Borneo Exotics-a nursery in Srilanka. Now N. anamensis is crowned as lowland variety. The conversion of categorization is done due to a reason that ketakung can grow well on the lowland after being cultivated.
Now then, it is time for you to choose the right nepenthes, so that you will not experience what happened to Sofjan. (Rosy Nur Apriyanti/ Reporter: Lastioro Anmi Tambunan for Trubus-Online.com)
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